Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Lasqueti inspires...

Driftwood Core, acrylic on 22x30" board
(kinda hippy-trippy - like the island)

This was the first time I took time out to paint at Lasqueti. Thank you all for making this a place for art to happen!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Lasqueti Art

These are a few of my art experiments I created on Lasqueti during the art retreat.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Lasqueti art retreat

Went on the second annual art retreat to Lasqueti Island, BC for a week. Stayed at one of the gals Mom's place right on the ocean for a week. Swimming, walking and eating lots of seafood was the order of the day. When not doing that we made art, read about art or talked about art. Five women working in all different mediums. I decided to challenge myself and paint. I prepped 6 canvasses and 3 panels. Of course being an assemblage artist I added another layer to everything. I learned lots and will use some techniques in work down the road. Paper mache was another material I took and made some bowls to hold the lovely small rocks I found on the beach. I like the intensiveness of working in another environment with other people around to challenge myself. We also did a couple of workshops for each other....one was drawing shadows of objects onto our drawing books...I found that very inspiring.

Friday, April 24, 2009

FRAMEWORK...show with Leesa and Sharon at AMP Studio

Had fun creating new work with photos from around the hood. I am ready though to get back to assemblage. I miss my boxes.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Lisa O's Awsome works

They are so lovely. Subtle and full of depth...nice.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Chit Chat

So Lovely ladies I hope all is well and your collective New Years are off to a roaring start.
I thought I would share a few images of what I have been up in the studio recently. I am having fun with some charcoal and graphite additions.

I thought I would also share a few from Christmas at my moms on Salt Spring....Playing in the snow, thats me and Pascal, and yup I can float....
Miss you all, what have you been up to?
Niente Senza Gioia

Monday, December 8, 2008

I'm alive!!!... after 3 intense months at school. And somethings to show for it, to share with my favourite artists...

I don't have a clue where all this is going - besides my living room - but I can't get enough of that scrappy wood stuff.

I look forward to re-joining humanity before I return to class on Jan. 5.
